Tree Tracings

Tree TracingsGreene County Genealogical  Society
by Valerie Ogren
Meeting Notice
The next meeting will be Saturday,  Jan. 4, at 10 the Jefferson Public Library.  Elaine Wiggins will  present a program entitled “Letters To Pauline.”  She  will  share letters her mother Pauline,received in the 1920’s.  
Another gentle reminder – dues are due.  Annual dues are $7.50 for an  individual or $10 for a family.   A change in our bylaws now makes a  provision for lifetime memberships.  So if you have a problem remembering  whether you have renewed your dues each year, a life membership is the way  to go.  They are $75 for an individual or $100 for a family.  Bring to  the meeting or send to P O Box 133, Jefferson IA 50129. 
New Officers
The following officers for next year were installed at the last  meeting:  Valerie Ogren, president; (still need a volunteer for vice  president); Sharlene Handley, recording secretary ; Evelyn Taylor, corresponding  secretary; Elaine Deluhery, treasurer; and Arlene Johnson, Iowa Genealogical  Society liaison.  Many thanks to Arlene for her several years of  leadership!
Christmas Memories
As we were enjoying our quiet (nothing fancy) Christmas dinner, I couldn’t  help but recall a few past Christmas dinners.  For about 25  years, we used to fly someplace south for a couple weeks over the  holidays.  One Christmas Eve night, our supper was peanut butter, crackers  and carrot sticks from our carry-on bag after arriving at our hotel in  South Padre Island – nothing was open.  Another year (I think it was  in San Antonio) Christmas supper was cheese burgers from a convenience  store.  They were the kind that are frozen and then heated in the  microwave.  Rather than eat in the car, we took them back to our  motel.  By that time they were cold again.  A memorable  Arizona vacation was being on the road Christmas day from Kingman  to Las Vegas.  The only eating place we found open was a  Jack-In-The-Box in Williams.  But the meal was delicious when you haven’t  eaten for 8 hours and we shared the experience with numerous other  famished travelers.  Be sure to include some similar anecdotes when  you compile your family history.  It will be a more interesting read for  future generations.
May your 2014 New Year be filled with peace,  happiness and expectations.

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